BiLinInterp() function  Previous topicNext topicFirst topicLast topic

BiLinInterp() function

BiLinInterp(argument list…)

This function returns the bilinearly interpolated value of z=f(x,y). The function uses the following arguments:

Argument Description Restrictions
x the value of x for which we wish to determine the value of z = f(x,y) must be within the domain of xvec, that is:
min(xvec) <= x <= max(xvec)
y the value of y for which we wish to determine the value of z = f(x,y) must be within the domain of yvec, that is:
min(yvec) <= y <= max(yvec)
xvec a row vector (or array) of known x values must be in strictly ascending order
yvec a column vector (or array) of known y values must be in strictly ascending order
zmatrix a matrix of known values of z = f(x,y) if xvec is N elements in size, and yvec is M elements in size, then zmatrix must be M rows by N columns

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